22-04-2020, 12:52 AM
I'd like to know that ONE moment that is the sole reason you're still around - else you would be long gone.
Here is mine.
Its about me and Tjofi/Sergang/Saurik. When I used to no-life back in 2011/12 and SAMP was the only thing I loved most, I was banned by Shady(Amiro and Shady) for using health/or some other/ hack. Though, I didnt but the proofs were solid apparently and my ban appeal was about to get denied. I was literallt shivering and heart beating was high af.
I connected TW to pass my time and I met Sergang who was playing with "Saurik" IG-Name. He said "Tell shady that Sergang ask him to unban you". I kept asking who is sergang, but he didnt tell me. But I was unbanned as soon as I sent a pm to shady.
Here I met Saurik for the first time and he got me unbanned. Shout out to Saurik.
Here is mine.
Its about me and Tjofi/Sergang/Saurik. When I used to no-life back in 2011/12 and SAMP was the only thing I loved most, I was banned by Shady(Amiro and Shady) for using health/or some other/ hack. Though, I didnt but the proofs were solid apparently and my ban appeal was about to get denied. I was literallt shivering and heart beating was high af.
I connected TW to pass my time and I met Sergang who was playing with "Saurik" IG-Name. He said "Tell shady that Sergang ask him to unban you". I kept asking who is sergang, but he didnt tell me. But I was unbanned as soon as I sent a pm to shady.
Here I met Saurik for the first time and he got me unbanned. Shout out to Saurik.